Sunday, July 13, 2008

Here's to failure.

Fuck. You. Bitch.

I think that about sums it up neatly.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Grounded. Again.

So, i'm off the computer for a week.


Sunday, June 29, 2008

I'm not insane, i'm not insane.

Trebuchet. Motherfucker.

Yesterday was a good day. It rained all morning; but lucky for me it was all cleared up by the time i even opened my eyes. Angela is home now, so we went walking around the town all day. I got to meet her man-candy, Jim. He's funny, they're perfect together. He's not shy at talking to random people, either. Two minutes into our leave, he's already walking up to some random neighbor, who was washing his ugly-arse motorbike-thing, and saying things like, "How long have you been washing that!?" Comic relief, he was. Then when i got home, i had a nice phonecall waiting from Julie, :DD. She's the best friend who moved to California. And just in case you're a total loss, California just happens to be on the other side of the country. From where i'm at. Anywhore: She called, and we talked for awhile about her coffeeshop boy, these ugly shoes at the store she was at, and how much we miss eachother. Then her brother called me on my cell phone, and i was talking to both of them. At the same time. It was difficult.

I'm going to go watch Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Then i'm off to Manisha's to get a job, DX
Later days.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Yerrrrr just a sad song with nothin' to say.

*looks up* Bad grammar. Tisk, tisk.

I've done jack shit all day today. Well, minus the bits where i had entertaining phone conversations with Kyle and got my iPod to work. But because of the ever-so-amazing sickness my mother gamme the other day, i was refrained from doing any normal activities. Again. It's 4:41 in the afternoon, and i'm tired of sitting on my arse. I think i might go to Manisha's later, it's been a whole week since i've seen her. I'm due a visit. Hell, i'm due TEN visits by now.
Menalcholy news, kids: Dearest Kayleigh never got my letter i sent her. Fuck all, i wrote her a whole page on lined paper! Do you realise how hard it is for someone with my attention span to write a full-page letter? No, i don't think you do. That's why you're reading this and tittering on about how much of a dumbass i am. Whatever. I'll re-write it for you, Kayleigh. You mean that much.
OH! That reminds me! Go here, it's the best thing since snakebites. []

'Kay, i'm going to go make something of myself. On the side of the road.
Fire at will.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

My name is Jonas.

Mmm, right. I've had this blog-thing for a couple of months, usually just to read other people's blogs.
Then it occoured to me that maybe i should actually WRITE one. So hereth we go:

Haii there, i'm Heather. You should probably know that if you're going to be reading my blog. It's polite.
So far my summer's gone to shit. I've done like...three things that actually matter. Or require movement; and those were all two weeks ago. You can say i have no life, which is true. I do, however, have a green camera; which makes me better than you, so shut up.
Have you ever noticed how everyone uses this particular font on here? Trebuchet, what kind of hold do you have on the human race, and where can i buy it!?

And now i'm gonna leave you with two questions:
Uno; How has YOUR summer gone? Better than mine, i hope.
Dos; Who would you bang!? *points at you*

Goodbye kids.